Medical Review Officer
Cheryl J. Szabo, M.D., MPH, MBA is medical review officer, Safety First division. She has 25 years of experience in emergency medicine, occupational health and family medicine.
At BHS, Dr. Szabo assists the medical director in medical review services on behalf of Safety First’s client base. She ensures the accuracy and integrity of lab results and works closely with Safety First’s administrative staff to ensure accuracy and quality.
Dr. Szabo currently serves as a physician with WorkDOT 1st. Additionally, she has experience as a medical director, onsite, for large employers. She also has experience as a staff physician in the emergency medicine and urgent care sector.
Dr. Szabo completed her undergraduate degree in biological science at the California State University. She received her M.D. at the University of Wisconsin and also has a master of public health from Medical College of Wisconsin and her MBA from Regis University.
She has served on the medical services board- State of Alabama, department of industrial relations/worker’s compensation division and the board of advisors- Deep South Center for Occupational Health & Safety, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Dr. Szabo also was an air traffic controller with the USMC.