Taking Time for Yourself

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and there is no better time to think about your mental wellbeing. With all the responsibilities our private, social and work lives bring, it’s often hard to justify spending time solely on ourselves. Carving out time doesn’t have to be challenging, as just a small amount of time for self-care can have a positive effect.

Accept Yourself—Try not to compare yourself needlessly to others. When you make these comparisons, it’s easy to feel inadequate. Find things to be grateful for in your life and accept the person that you are.

Get Back to Basics—Taking time for yourself doesn’t inherently mean spending money treating yourself to feel better. Simple things like getting more sleep, exercising and improving your diet can help improve your spirits.

Set Goals—Don’t rush the process, take time to establish your self-care routine. Add small, daily tasks one at a time such as meditating or taking brief walks.

Practice Mindfulness—Try to stay in the present moment by taking slow, deep breaths and focusing on what each of your senses is noticing. This can help you slow down and be in the present, helping to ground yourself no matter the situation.

Set Boundaries—Some people might be in a situation where they need to reclaim some of their time and energy from others. Though the conversation might be tough, letting others know that you need time to devote to yourself and setting boundaries is an important step to improving your mental health.

Reach out for Support—Seek support from friends and family. The people who care about you will understand how you feel and possibly be able to help. Some might even have their own self-care tips they can share.

Discover Happiness—Reflect on what makes you happy. Techniques that work for others might not be best for you. Whatever it might be, build activities that make you happy and leave you feeling accomplished into your self-care routine.

Source: https://mhanational.org/taking-time-yourself

If you are concerned about your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek advice. BHS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 800-245-1150.